This morning (Saturday Aug. 30, 2014) CCS began receiving reports that people could not access their Ryerson Gmail and Google Apps accounts from some mobile devices. While we investigate the problem, if your mobile device reports it can no longer access your Ryerson Gmail or Google Apps account because your password is incorrect, you can fix the problem by getting a new Google Token, and entering it as a password in your mobile device. Instructions for doing so are here:
We will update this service alert when more information becomes available.
Update 11:06 AM: It appears that re-entering your existing Google Token will also fix the problem. If you know your existing Google Token we recommend you use it instead of generating a new one.
Update 11:33 AM: Google Enterprise Support reports that the problem appears to be limited to Android devices and that they are working on a solution that will not require re-entering your Google Token.
Update 2:48 PM: Google reports they resolved the problem some time yesterday (Sunday Aug. 31) but we do not have a time.
-Computing and Communications Services