Google Calendar Access Disruption – December 10, 2014

CCS has received reports of users experiencing errors when accessing Google Calendar.  Typically, the message indicates that you need to log in and re-authenticate.

CCS is investigating and has contacted Google.  We will update this alert when we have further information. In the mean time, you may find that logging in again to the portal temporarily resolves the problem with Google Calendar.

Update 4 PM: The issue has not been resolved but we have a little more information:

  1. “Users started experiencing the problem around 5 pm last night.
  2. If someone is logged into multiple Google accounts (e.g. account and a consumer Gmail account) on the same Chrome browser, they can be quickly booted out.
  3. If a user has cleared their cookies, and re-logs into their @ryerson.caaccount, they can be booted out after 1 hour.
  4. If a user is prompted with the “New” Google Calendar feature, and clicks the “OK, got it” button, the issue appears to be resolved.” (Note. This does not work for everyone.)

Update 10:00 PM, Dec. 12:  While we are still waiting for an official response from Google, we have implemented an interim solution so users won’t be asked constantly to log in again in order to access Google Calendar.

We apologize for the inconvenience,

– Computing and Communications Services

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